Statue of Liberty from the Staten Island Ferry Metropolitan Museum of Art Bethesda Terrace Arcade, Central Park Cathedral of Saint John the Devine Subway Fish Monger in China Town Selfie in Times Square Brooklyn Bridge The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bethesda Terrace Arcade in Central Park
Mostly Wordless Wednesday …
A selection of photographs from my trip to Rajasthan, India in February and March of 2013. Bishnoi Villager in Salawas Street Cleaner in Jodhpur The Local Chai Stand in Bhuchkalla Taking a Break in Thanwala Housekeeping in Pachewar Auto-rickshaw (tuk tuk) Driver in Jaipur
Just a Little Patience …
As a photographer I struggle at times. I think every photographer does. We either get into a rut where we don’t want to look at the camera anymore, or we’re taking lots of photos but we’re not happy with the photographs we’re creating. The latter happened to me during the early part of the Ladakh […]
Print It BIG
Yesterday I came home from work to find a nice surprise waiting for me on my doorstep. Actually, it wasn’t much of a surprise since I received a notification from UPS around 1 o’clock telling me that they had left a package by my door, and I knew what was in it. Three beautiful 24”x36” […]
Well, that was a long break …
Well, 7 posts in and already I managed to take a long break. Am I surprised? Not. At. All. Will it be my last long break? Probably not. But I’m going to try to be better. I started this blog because I enjoy writing and I want to get better at it. I won’t get […]
Casino Lac Leamy Sound of Light Fireworks Competition
The Casino Lac Leamy Sound of Light Fireworks Competition is an annual 5-night event in Gatineau, Québec, just across the river from my hometown of Ottawa, Ontario. I’ve been photographing for this event for 7 of the last 9 years. This year the competition moved to a new location at the Museum of History, right […]
I Work For Free
Yes, on occasion I will work as a volunteer photographer. I will go out, make photographs for someone else, and give them rights to use those photos for free. I don’t give up the copyright, unless they really are photos that I have no other interest in, but I do give them digital copies of […]
Trip Report: Croatia
This is the second, and last, trip report that I will be re-publishing from the Light Café newsletter. Again, the distribution of this newsletter was so small that few people would have had the chance to read it. I only wrote two trip reports for the short lived newsletter, so all future trip reports […]
Trip Report: Italy & Venice: Within the Frame
This may seem like cheating, but I’m going to re-publish an article I wrote for a photography newsletter. The newsletter was born from an online photography forum which, while the site is still functional, is all but gone. The newsletter never really took off, with only 3 issues published, so not many people have had […]
Herons are My Nemesis
Ever since I started photography seriously, I’ve had one challenge that continued to elude me – to create a photograph of a blue heron that I was happy with. That last part, “that I’m happy with”, has been the problem. I’ve created many mediocre photographs of herons, but I’ve always had the worst luck with […]