Oh Excuse Me, I Think I Had a Bit of G.A.S.
Yes, I had G.A.S., but I took care of it, at least for now. Most photographers are very aware of G.A.S., but in case you aren’t it’s Gear Acquisition Syndrome. The uncontrollable need to acquire the latest shiny piece of photographic equipment to hit the market. It doesn’t matter how much it costs. It doesn’t […]
Size Matters … And Sometimes Smaller is Better
Ok, this one is definitely for the photographers. If you have no interest in photography (then why are you reading my blog?) or photography gear (again, why?) click here now. Really, this post is going to be full on photography geekery. Last chance. I used to be a dedicated dSLR shooter. I carried a heavy pack […]
Mostly Wordless Wednesday …
A selection of photographs from my trip to Rajasthan, India in February and March of 2013. Bishnoi Villager in Salawas Street Cleaner in Jodhpur The Local Chai Stand in Bhuchkalla Taking a Break in Thanwala Housekeeping in Pachewar Auto-rickshaw (tuk tuk) Driver in Jaipur
Well, that was a long break …
Well, 7 posts in and already I managed to take a long break. Am I surprised? Not. At. All. Will it be my last long break? Probably not. But I’m going to try to be better. I started this blog because I enjoy writing and I want to get better at it. I won’t get […]
Herons are My Nemesis
Ever since I started photography seriously, I’ve had one challenge that continued to elude me – to create a photograph of a blue heron that I was happy with. That last part, “that I’m happy with”, has been the problem. I’ve created many mediocre photographs of herons, but I’ve always had the worst luck with […]