On February 3rd, 1916 the Centre Block of Canada’s Parliament Buildings burnt to the ground, the result of a carelessly discarded cigar in a waste basket in one of the reading rooms. Only the library was saved. William Lyon Mackenzie King, Canada’s 10th prime minister, moved some of the ruins of the Centre Block (as well […]
Mostly Wordless Wednesday – July 22, 2015 – Burnt Lands Provincial Park
Mostly Wordless Wednesday – July 1st, 2015 – Playing Tourist at Home on a Cool Rainy Day
Mostly Wordless Wednesday – June 3, 2015 – Prince of Wales Bridge
The Prince of Wales Bridge is an old railroad bridge spanning the Ottawa River between Ontario and Québec, built in 1880 and now abandoned and covered in graffiti. A couple of friends dragged me out there last week. I agreed to go a few days earlier, but nearly backed out at the last moment. Truth is, I […]
Mostly Wordless Wednesday – April 1, 2015 – Close to Home (in B&W)
Mostly Wordless Wednesday – March 25, 2015 – Close to Home (in colour)
Casino Lac Leamy Sound of Light Fireworks Competition
The Casino Lac Leamy Sound of Light Fireworks Competition is an annual 5-night event in Gatineau, Québec, just across the river from my hometown of Ottawa, Ontario. I’ve been photographing for this event for 7 of the last 9 years. This year the competition moved to a new location at the Museum of History, right […]
Herons are My Nemesis
Ever since I started photography seriously, I’ve had one challenge that continued to elude me – to create a photograph of a blue heron that I was happy with. That last part, “that I’m happy with”, has been the problem. I’ve created many mediocre photographs of herons, but I’ve always had the worst luck with […]