Tomorrow I say goodbye to my best friend. The decision is never easy, but this time is especially hard. When the time came for my other dogs, there was no decision. I was sitting in an examination room at the after hours vet, hearing the poor prognosis, the no chance for recovery or a quality […]
On to the Next Chapter …
For the first time since 1989 I am unemployed. Twenty-six years of continuous full-time employment in high-tech. I guess that’s a pretty good run. I experienced many good times, including the technology bubble of the late 90’s and early 2000’s. But I also survived many dark times such as the Nortel meltdown in the late 2000’s (my […]
Mostly Wordless Saturday – August 22, 2015 – Mackenzie King Estates
On February 3rd, 1916 the Centre Block of Canada’s Parliament Buildings burnt to the ground, the result of a carelessly discarded cigar in a waste basket in one of the reading rooms. Only the library was saved. William Lyon Mackenzie King, Canada’s 10th prime minister, moved some of the ruins of the Centre Block (as well […]
Mostly Wordless … Sunday? – August 9, 2015
I’ve given up on “Mostly Wordless Wednesday”. It wasn’t working for me. I don’t want to wait to post my photographs mid-week, especially since they are often posted to other sites, such as Flickr, before then. From now on, “Mostly Wordless…” will happen whenever I have new photos to share.
Take Advantage
Some people carry a camera with them wherever they go. I don’t but I’ve started carrying one more often. Mostly out of guilt, because I have an amazing Fuji X100T that doesn’t get used nearly enough. It’s become my carry (almost) everywhere camera. I was having a rather unproductive afternoon on Thursday, when a friend texted me, “Want […]
Mostly Wordless Wednesday – July 22, 2015 – Burnt Lands Provincial Park
Mostly Wordless Wednesday – July 1st, 2015 – Playing Tourist at Home on a Cool Rainy Day
I did it …
This is just a quick follow up to my last post, where I said I was going to play tourist this weekend. It was a cold, miserable rainy day, but I did it. I played tourist for a few hours in my hometown, although I did more street photography than tourist photography. I packed light, […]
Not another post about Photographer’s Block
Stop me if you’ve heard this one. Actually don’t, because I already know you have. Remember that post from a few weeks ago where I said that I was changing up my Mostly Wordless Wednesday posts? The one where I said that I would only be showing recent work from now on? Notice that there […]
Ow ow ow ow ow
They say it’s the closest a man can feel to the pain of child birth. There are many women who have experienced both who say that it is worse. I once spent a night in the hospital because of one and the female nurse caring for me experienced both and told me it was worse. […]