Goodbye Best Friend

Tomorrow I say goodbye to my best friend. The decision is never easy, but this time is especially hard. When the time came for my other dogs, there was no decision. I was sitting in an examination room at the after hours vet, hearing the poor prognosis, the no chance for recovery or a quality […]

On to the Next Chapter …

For the first time since 1989 I am unemployed. Twenty-six years of continuous full-time employment in high-tech. I guess that’s a pretty good run. I experienced many good times, including the technology bubble of the late 90’s and early 2000’s. But I also survived many dark times such as the Nortel meltdown in the late 2000’s (my […]

Mostly Wordless … Sunday? – August 9, 2015

I’ve given up on “Mostly Wordless Wednesday”. It wasn’t working for me. I don’t want to wait to post my photographs mid-week, especially since they are often posted to other sites, such as Flickr, before then. From now on, “Mostly Wordless…” will happen whenever I have new photos to share.

Take Advantage

Some people carry a camera with them wherever they go. I don’t but I’ve started carrying one more often. Mostly out of guilt, because I have an amazing Fuji X100T that doesn’t get used nearly enough. It’s become my carry (almost) everywhere camera. I was having a rather unproductive afternoon on Thursday, when a friend texted me, “Want […]

I did it …

This is just a quick follow up to my last post, where I said I was going to play tourist this weekend. It was a cold, miserable rainy day, but I did it. I played tourist for a few hours in my hometown, although I did more street photography than tourist photography. I packed light, […]

Ow ow ow ow ow

They say it’s the closest a man can feel to the pain of child birth. There are many women who have experienced both who say that it is worse. I once spent a night in the hospital because of one and the female nurse caring for me experienced both and told me it was worse. […]