Well, 7 posts in and already I managed to take a long break.
Am I surprised?
Not. At. All.
Will it be my last long break?
Probably not.
But I’m going to try to be better. I started this blog because I enjoy writing and I want to get better at it. I won’t get better if I don’t do it. If I can’t find the time or the motivation then I need to make the time and the motivation. Actually, I think the motivation is the bigger problem. I’m a single guy, with no-one to fill my schedule for me, so free time usually isn’t a big problem.
Hey, did you notice the new look of my website? More than just a (not very active) blog. I’ve added photo galleries (which need more photos), a page about the photo gear I use, and a contact page that doesn’t work (yeah, working on that … ).
Anyway, enough of this boring drivel. Nobody is interested in my excuses. I’m going to start writing a travel report for my most recent trip to India, so watch for that on the blog soon. Hopefully it will be much more interesting than this.
Wait! If you’re into photography, like me, then there is something interesting in this post. Look at the image above. Now look at the EXIF data underneath. 1/32000s! That’s not a mistake. The new firmware for the Fuji X-T1 added a new electronic shutter that enables these insane shutter speeds. f/2.8 straight into the sun. With the 1/4000s max shutter speed of the mechanical shutter I would have needed to use a 3-stop ND filter to make that shot. With the electronic shutter I was able to capture this without using filters. Nice!