Mike Alexander
"Retired" techie, amateur photographer, and keeper of dogs

Casino Lac Leamy Sound of Light Fireworks Competition 2014

The Casino Lac Leamy Sound of Light Fireworks Competition is an annual 5-night event in Gatineau, Québec, just across the river from my hometown of Ottawa, Ontario. I’ve been photographing for this event for 7 of the last 9 years. This year the competition moved to a new location at the Museum of History, right on the Ottawa River, with Parliament Hill, the National Art Gallery, the Alexandra Bridge and other prominent Ottawa/Gatineau landmarks as the backdrop.

Each year, 4 countries compete with stunning displays of fireworks choreographed to music for the Zeus trophy. On the 5th night, the winner is announced followed by a fireworks display presented by the home fireworks team, Royal Pyrotechnique.

This year, the Zeus Trophy was presented to the Canadian team from Hamilton, Garden City Display Fireworks.

August 2nd, 2014 – Hong Kong

August 6th, 2014 – Canada

August 9th, 2014 – Portugal

August 13th, 2014 – Switzerland

We’re all allowed an off night now and then, right? A night where things just don’t go our way. This was one of those nights for me. I tried a new location with a higher vantage point and a chance to get the Parliament Buildings in the shot. I thought it would be really cool. It wasn’t.

The fireworks display was fantastic. My capturing of it wasn’t. I’ve included a couple of shots just for completeness, but honestly, just move along to the Finale.

Sorry Switzerland 🙁

August 16th, 2014 – Finale